Now, this is what we need!

Matt Walsh gets it, although MassResistance has been talking about this problem for a long time.

Here’s the full statement on the post above:

It’s popular for other conservatives to complain that those of us fighting against gender ideology and the “Pride” movement should focus on something else. We’re actually making significant headway but they want us to move on because they’re bored or more likely jealous that people aren’t paying more attention to them. Here’s an idea. If there’s another issue that you care deeply about and want to mobilize people around, go do it. Put the work in and rally people to your cause. It took us years to get the public to really care about gender ideology. Now we’ve succeeded and you’re bitter. Stop expecting us to do your work for you. Go do something. Start a movement. If I agree with your cause I’ll support and amplify you. So stop whining and taking potshots from the sidelines. Go do the thing that you want done. How’s that for an idea.

I specifically appreciate the fact that he calls out most conservatives who get “bored” with a cause after a period of time.

Real activism means being committed to a cause, no matter whether it’s sexy or popular at that specific time.

Real activism is about results, not getting rah-rah.

And Matt Walsh gets that.

Getting people to care about your issue is the first step, and a very difficult and frustrating one. It takes persistence, focus, and creativity. A healthy conservative movement would look at those who’ve succeeded in this step and try to learn from them. An unhealthy one looks with envy and resentment at its own most effective advocates and tries to tear them down as punishment for being successful. Modern conservatism falls into the latter category.

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